Kansas Proxy Weddings

Weddings by Proxy performs legally binding marriage ceremonies for couples who can not be together at the time of the wedding. 

Types of Proxy Weddings

In Kansas, only one person has to be physically present to obtain a legal marriage certificate. The other can designate a "proxy" to stand in for them. This allows couples in various situations to get married despite the distance between them.

Get in Touch with Us Today!

Your circumstances or distance should not prevent you from starting your married life. NOW is the time to start the proxy marriage process!


How to Plan a Proxy Wedding in Kansas

Navigating the legal process for a proxy wedding can be overwhelming. Weddings by Proxy is here to help. We understand the system and help you through the entire process.

About Weddings by Proxy

We understand that life does not always work as planned, and it’s not always possible to be together when it is necessary to be married. Weddings by Proxy has been making marriage a reality in Kansas for years. We help you make a Single Proxy Marriage as simple and stress-free as possible.


Our Blog

Beautiful wedding car with plate JUST MARRIED

Proxy Weddings in Kansas – What You Need to Know

In Kansas, a proxy wedding offers an unconventional solution for couples when one of them is unable to attend the ceremony. Marriage is a great event in anyone’s life; planning and decorating and family, however, unfortunate things can occur in life. Things like one of...

Who is Weddings by Proxy?

Weddings by Proxy is a company that is dedicated to helping couples obtain an official US Marriage license when circumstances are not in their favor. Our location in Overland Park, Kansas, gives us the unique ability to facilitate Proxy Marriages that must happen in the...
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Proxy Weddings in Kansas

A proxy wedding, also known as a proxy marriage or a proxy ceremony, is a type of marriage ceremony in which one party is not physically present. Instead, they are represented by proxies, who stand in for them during the wedding ceremony and exchange vows...